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Debra Hocking

In my experience, the sense of loss and grief from being removed as a baby has left a scar so deep, that recovery seemed almost impossible. We find forgiveness to allow our own healing to begin, but that should not give qualification or sanitisation of these wrong doings and injustice. My mum and dad I am sure would have loved me very much and the pain they must have had to endure is unimaginable. My strength of spirit has been challenged many times as has keeping the anger and frustration at bay. We share our stories so that others may understand what the legacy of child removals has left behind. It is not about blame or guilt now, as that takes us to a negative space which I consider produces destructive behaviour. It is about considering the ways we can make sure this never happens again. If we become forgetful, the injustices of the past could very well be repeated. Listening to these stories which I consider are so generously shared with all, may seem hard and confronting for some, but just remember, it has been even harder to live the journey.

Hobart, Tasmania
To foster families in Hobart, Tasmania
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